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Little Alchemy 2 Chainsaw Combinations

Little Alchemy 2: Crafting and Combinations Guide

Unlocking the Secrets of Chainsaw Creation

In the captivating world of Little Alchemy 2, unlocking the secrets of element combinations is key to expanding your alchemy knowledge. This comprehensive guide will delve into the intricacies of creating the Chainsaw, exploring the various formulas and interconnections between elements.

Element Combinations for Chainsaw

  • Lava Sea + Primordial Soup + Volcano
  • Primordial Soup + Life
  • Axe + Forest + Tree

Chainsaw's Role in Combinations

Once you've crafted a Chainsaw, it becomes an essential component in the following combinations:
  • Chainsaw + Forest → Lumberjack
  • Chainsaw + Tree → Forest
  • Chainsaw + Tool → Bird

Additional Combinations

  • Scissors + Sheep → Blade
  • Sheep + Tool → Sheep
  • Sword + Tree → Tool
  • Bird + Wood → Bird

Navigating the Combinations

The intuitive interface of Little Alchemy 2 allows you to browse and navigate seamlessly through the possible combinations. Simply click on any element to discover its potential combinations.


Mastering the art of element combinations in Little Alchemy 2 unlocks endless possibilities for exploration and discovery. By understanding the formulas for creating the Chainsaw and exploring its role in other combinations, you can elevate your gameplay and enhance your knowledge of the game's vast alchemy system.

Little Alchemy 2 Cheats

Little Alchemy 2 Cheats
